Sustainable Management with Water Monitoring Solutions

Measure, manage, and prepare with water monitoring solutions customized to your location and level of water risk.


  • Reservoir & Dam

    • Monitor snowpack, precipitation, and levels at rivers, streams, lakes, tailing ponds, and reservoirs.

    • Gain visibility of upstream and downstream conditions.

    • Early detection of rising water levels, changing flow rates, and agitation levels to enable timely adjustments to dam operations.

  • Coastal

    • Monitor water level, agitation, and tides.

    • Make informed decisions around erosion control, beach nourishment, and infrastructure planning.

    • Combat data scarcity in coastal areas to understand long-term climate change trends.

    • Enable proactive adaptation strategies to protect vulnerable coastal regions and ecosystems.

  • Harbor & Marina

    • Ensure safety and navigation by monitoring water levels, tidal changes, and agitation for vessels entering and exiting ports

    • Mitigate risks of grounding or collisions due to changing water conditions.

    • Prevent damage to port infrastructure, such as docks, piers, and waterfront facilities, by anticipating and managing risks associated with extreme tidal fluctuations and wave action.

  • Rivers and Watersheds

    • Measure rising water levels, agitation, and increased flow rates.

    • Manage water resources effectively, including regulating water releases for irrigation, municipal water supply, industrial use, and ecological preservation.

    • Reliable water level and flow data combined with depth enables safe navigation for transportation, shipping, and recreational watercraft use.

    • Monitoring agitation and flow patterns helps identify areas prone to erosion, sedimentation, or riverbank instability.


Data Snippets

This tool provides a user-friendly snapshot of a location's status that can be shared internally with stakeholders or externally to increase public awareness.


A secure, web-based user interface that provides detailed temporal information of monitored water conditions at the location of a given asset. Operations personnel will have quick access to critical insights enabling swift and informed decision-making.

Our automated alerts and notifications are intended to promptly inform decision-makers, emergency responders, troubleshooters, and operations teams of any developing water event via email or text. This solution provides clear, actionable insights 24/7/365 by sending critical alerts for informed decisions and response.

Flood Alerts & Notifications